Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poor Attempt at Realism

NOTE: This is Not how I draw today. This how I drew in 9th grade, expecting this was how we would look now.

From left to right: Elle, Haley, Lara, Me.

Funny. None of us look like this. So many things have changed since then: Elle is has gone on to new friends. Haley has short hair. Lara's smile is so much shorter than that. And I... well I've never been good at self portraits so let's not dwell on the absurdness of this image.

Why am I posting this? Because this was once my pride and joy, not because it was my best piece at the time but because these are my friends. And even though I hate the drawing quality I love the subject. Hopefully the next 5 years will prove something even better.

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